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Installation Instructions



  1. If on-premise or isolated app in cloud:
    • Add the package limepkg-consent as a dependency in your solution.
    • Build and deploy your solution.
  2. In Lime Admin, go to the Setup page in Consent's settings and follow the instructions.
  3. Configure the add-on.
  4. Configure in LISA.
  5. Set up desktop client.


  1. Add the icons for the tables consent and consenttype. The icons are found in the folder lisa\icons in the LIP package. If you cannot find the tables in LISA, refresh the browser.
  2. Add descriptive expressions for consent and consenttype. The descriptive expressions are found in text files in the folder lisa\descriptives.
  3. Set the Option Query property on the field consent.consenttype according to the text file in the folder lisa\optionqueries.
  4. Set the following permissions for normal users.

    Policy name R W A D Apply to
    tbl_consent consent table
    fld_consenttype consenttype field on consent table
    tbl_consenttype consenttype table

Desktop Client

  1. Add VBA module AO_Consent, found under lip/vba.
  2. Copy the folders for the three Lime Bootstrap apps in the lip\apps folder to the Actionpads\apps folder.
  3. Add the apps:

Index App

Include the following code in your index.html (note the extra property 'view': 'index'):

<div data-app="{
    app: 'addon_consent',
        'view': 'index',
        'groups': ['Administrators', 'Users']

Person App

Include the following code on each actionpad of which Limetype you have configured for Consent (eg person.html):

<div data-app="{
    app: 'addon_consent',
    config: {
        'groups': ['Administrators', 'Users']