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Upgrading an existing installation

Upgrade by increasing the version in your solution. Since GDPR is depending on Consent, upgrading GDPR will in most cases also upgrade Consent.


The configuration will be automatically upgraded if necessary.

Bootstrap apps

The apps will need to be manually upgraded.

Upgrading from the legacy GDPR contained version


Configuration will be migrated from the GDPR configuration to consent's own configuration. The migration is automatically done by the GDPR add-on. No action is required other that to validate that the migrated configuration looks ok.

Bootstrap apps

The updated consent Bootstrap apps directly communicate with the consent endpoints, rather than the GDPR endpoints. The consent apps that were included in GDPR are deprecated and MUST be upgraded (as for now, the old apps are backwards compatible, but will be killed off in the near future).


Delete the GDPR VBA module and replace it with the AO_Consent VBA module


Previously translations were shared with GDPR and stored in the Localize table. They're now standardized and stored in .PO files and can't be edited.